16-10-2010 06:21:18



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Joined: Dec 2008

After provision the old advertising company, we have decided to go for a new one with promise better speed for user browsing and getting more revenue for our site.

This new company is a Pay Per Install network to promote the use of free softwares, such as VLC Player, Free Download Manager or Pay Per Download and View some anime trailer

It's still on beta stage so I would advise everyone try and give me feedback for this type of ads

P.S: If you happen to find any spywares, keyloggers or viruses, please contact me at once with a screenshot and I will deal with the issue as soon as possible.
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
16-10-2010 11:20:56


Topics: 5

Replies: 248

Joined: Sep 2010

I agreed as long as not affect membership and download progress, it cant be helped then . . . .
03-11-2010 13:13:20


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Joined: Mar 2010

haven't even noticed a change smiley of cool
04-11-2010 02:17:05


Topics: 11

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Joined: Nov 2010

Yeah... let us together click the ads to support this site.... :i am so cool:
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Click to view image at true resolution
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15-11-2010 23:27:55


Topics: 4

Replies: 95

Joined: Apr 2010

Why its is so importand to put the ads? I still new..
Why its is so importand to put the ads? I meed to know. Can somebody tell me?
16-11-2010 03:42:57


Topics: 5

Replies: 248

Joined: Sep 2010

Why its is so importand to put the ads? I still new..
Why its is so importand to put the ads? I meed to know. Can somebody tell me?

its to make our beloved sites keep free
so the expenses not burden the admin too much . . .
16-11-2010 05:05:08


Topics: 11

Replies: 163

Joined: Nov 2010

Why its is so importand to put the ads? I still new..
Why its is so importand to put the ads? I meed to know. Can somebody tell me?
Yeah, it's for maintenance fees of it's server. If not, maybe u must have to pay some money to download anime from here. smiley of ark
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