07-06-2024 02:46:28
Hello Admin,
I would like to request the drama Immortal Admiral Yi Sun Shin (2004): https://mydramalist.com/3529-the-immortal-yi-soon-shin
I would like to request the drama Immortal Admiral Yi Sun Shin (2004): https://mydramalist.com/3529-the-immortal-yi-soon-shin
07-06-2024 03:32:25
It will be up soon.
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!
07-06-2024 08:51:33
Hello Admin,
The series that has been posted is only the 33-episode documentary and recap of the official show, Immortal Admiral Yi Sun Shin Revisited (produced in 2014).
What I'm looking for is the official drama Immortal Admiral Yi Sun Shin, which aired in 2004 and consists of 104 episodes.
I hope you can find a decent version of it. It is an old drama, so it is understandable if you are not able to find it.
Thanks again for uploading so many great dramas.
The series that has been posted is only the 33-episode documentary and recap of the official show, Immortal Admiral Yi Sun Shin Revisited (produced in 2014).
What I'm looking for is the official drama Immortal Admiral Yi Sun Shin, which aired in 2004 and consists of 104 episodes.
I hope you can find a decent version of it. It is an old drama, so it is understandable if you are not able to find it.
Thanks again for uploading so many great dramas.