23-05-2024 23:54:01


Topics: 28

Replies: 10

Joined: Sep 2023

Dear Admin,
If it’s possible could youplease upload for me the Kdrama Dear Heaven (2005) with english subtitles.
Dear Heaven (2005) - MyDramaList

Thank you and greetings
24-05-2024 02:02:29



Topics: 137

Replies: 7409

Joined: Dec 2008

The subtitles only goes up to ep 25, are you ok with that?
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

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24-05-2024 16:12:49


Topics: 28

Replies: 10

Joined: Sep 2023

Dear Admin,
There are a total of 85 episodes.  without subtitles It won't work for me .
But thank you very much again for your efforts.

Gr. Tineke.
24-05-2024 20:29:12



Topics: 137

Replies: 7409

Joined: Dec 2008

There're a blog that finished all 85 episodes, so the guys on d-addicts dropped them on 25th ep. But that blog's dead for 10 years now, and so the subbed files.
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!