30-01-2010 05:20:11
Well, sorry for not inform all of you about this matter sooner
As for several days passed, we have had several feedbacks about series missing, such as D.Gray man, Soul Eater, Kanon...
I regret to tell that we have had to remove those series from the list as they licensed and having request of removal... for example D.Gray man licensed by Funimation...
Please understand as our server are US-based so we have to take a good look at DCMA (you can try Wikipedia for this) report if we want to have our site move on...
Thanks and sorry again...![beaten]()

As for several days passed, we have had several feedbacks about series missing, such as D.Gray man, Soul Eater, Kanon...
I regret to tell that we have had to remove those series from the list as they licensed and having request of removal... for example D.Gray man licensed by Funimation...

Please understand as our server are US-based so we have to take a good look at DCMA (you can try Wikipedia for this) report if we want to have our site move on...

Thanks and sorry again...

Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
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30-01-2010 09:07:12
You probably should create a Sticky topic with "No requesting of licensed titles" or something in the request/feedback section. Or a Request rules topic... this won't stop them but atleast it will lessen i think ![cool smiley of cool]()

30-01-2010 09:40:51
01-02-2010 09:17:28
06-02-2010 03:38:56
That meant "Mamotte Shugogetten" also been remove? coz i only see 0 files
06-02-2010 06:25:14
One of files server is down. I am checking in the issues...

Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
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07-02-2010 08:26:10
gambatte kudasai minna...thanks for all ur hard work..