13-01-2010 05:22:34



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As for our site grown, 2 servers serving free download is not enough. So I have ordered a new server and was planning to get it up on lunar new year as a surprise present

But yesterday, Eri4 suddenly go offline and can't be boot up until several minutes ago, so I decided to get the Eri5 go online.
After serveral hours waitting, it was online and share the loads with Eri3, which was overloaded and brought out 503 error always.

Since Eri4 is go online, and Eri5 can't be brought back offline again (well, I did pay money to get it online and no refund because it was perfected), so I decided to announce about an early present for the lunar new year: a brand new server for free downloads.

All 3 servers will round-robin for your download, so don't worry having to choose which one you're downloading from.

And I should take notice you guys again about our download policy:
1. Using a download manager is recommended. Such as FlashGet or IDM. I won't take responsibility of any download corruption because of not using a download manager.
2. You can only open 1 connect and using 1 download per time, no matter which server you're downloading. Someones is still replacing the server name to download from multiple servers at once. They'll get automatically banned.
3. If you have any problems about downloading, slow speeds etc., contact me at once. I am online almost 24/7 to assist you with Skype and Yahoo Messenger.

Due to the new server, our server fee is increased a little, so please help out as much as you can:
- Visiting our sponsors.
- Tell your friends about our site.
- Become an active members.
- Donate some money to help out the fee.
p.s: Zero ads browsing for all free user is still being carried out until the end of the month. Just take notice of it.
That's all, enjoy your download
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
13-01-2010 07:14:02


Topics: 2

Replies: 11

Joined: Nov 2009

Yay for a new server! smiley of keke

Admin, you continue to offer awesome presents!
Anime Addict. smiley of keke
13-01-2010 07:28:15


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Joined: Dec 2009

Our admin is... truly... GENEROUS and kind to us...
14-01-2010 02:03:56


Senior Lurker

Topics: 23

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Joined: Mar 2009

Nice present from the admin for early lunar new year. Thanks, keep ur awesomeness rolling...rolling...rolling...
Click to view image at true resolution
14-01-2010 03:43:22


Topics: 20

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Joined: Dec 2009

YEA.. admin .. ur the best...
14-01-2010 04:20:40


Topics: 4

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Joined: Dec 2008

Yattaaa!!! Arigatou Admin-san...
I can download with my ISP's full speed now...
smiley of leisure smiley of leisure smiley of leisure
I love this site... The best anime download site ever...
smiley of I am number 1 smiley of I am number 1 smiley of I am number 1

Anime = Life;
14-01-2010 12:29:35


Topics: 3

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Joined: Jan 2010

I have to say, while I joined this site only a couple of days ago, I already like it a lot! Definitely the best site to direct link download anime! smiley of keke

Keep up the good work admin!smiley of yai
15-01-2010 06:55:24


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Joined: Dec 2008

hehe` nice one admin

download till u drop ^_^
Click to view image at true resolutionClick to view image at true resolution
Click to view image at true resolution
16-01-2010 20:49:00


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Joined: Sep 2009

good job Admin....

But i just realize the connection for anime down from 2 to 1, (so thats why i get banned >..< My bad)

Is there any plans to increase the connection? please reconsider.

(speed in my country no very good just around 4-12 kb/s, it very hard just 1 connection, but i will follow the rule [^.^]v )...
17-01-2010 02:36:29


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Joined: Dec 2008

N1 Admin san.

now i can DL files easily
smiley of keke
17-01-2010 13:16:18


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thank you for your hard work
you are really amazing
26-01-2010 23:16:11


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Joined: Sep 2009

hi everyone..

nice job man..thanks a lot..
i will try to donate more..

hv a ncie day everyone whose read this..