31-12-2009 21:14:02

It's 5AM here, and I am not going to sleep yet without notice about some small features added today:
First is the "Servers Status" box, it shows on the middle left bar, under the "Support our site" box.

Take a look at it will tell you how our servers are doing.

Second is the "Quick filter" features: it's now available on New manga and New anime page. You just enter a part of the series you wanna find, and click "Show", then it'll filter out files with the words you enter.

Sort terms such as "bleach" or "asura" are enough. You can even giving out url link this: http://chauthanh.info/animeDownload/new.php?filter=bleach for your friends to quickly point out the file you want.

This feature was tested with Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari and it runs well. But if you have any issues like crashing your browsers, files not showing... please notice me at once.
Then... Happy new year 2010 again!

Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!
31-12-2009 21:56:16
Great features!
Looking to be a great year already![keke smiley of keke]()
Looking to be a great year already

Anime Addict. ![keke smiley of keke]()

31-12-2009 23:29:40
I really like this features . . . . .
01-01-2010 04:04:08
01-01-2010 12:44:45
A very useful update....hope more update will be added soon...
01-01-2010 13:53:07
me like search feature !!
It will help a lot
hope new drama page will be included soon
It will help a lot

hope new drama page will be included soon
01-01-2010 21:13:37
As a software student, I'm impressed with what you can do with PHP.
Thanks as always~
Thanks as always~
02-01-2010 10:11:19
03-01-2010 07:38:02
thanks admin sama for the features
loved the quick filter one DASUKI!~~~ >.<
anyway happy new year to you and hope everything goes fine for the server
i'll be under your care again =D
thanks for supplying us with the latest anime =)
loved the quick filter one DASUKI!~~~ >.<
anyway happy new year to you and hope everything goes fine for the server
i'll be under your care again =D
thanks for supplying us with the latest anime =)
03-01-2010 08:13:56
Nice additions to this very wonderful site...
2010 indeed... Our admin... Thank you so very much...!
And a very very happy new year to all...!
May this site progress further to future generations...
Nice additions to this very wonderful site...
2010 indeed... Our admin... Thank you so very much...!
And a very very happy new year to all...!
May this site progress further to future generations...
03-01-2010 10:46:05
wow..its my 1st time seeing features like these..
its great..thanks ADMIN.
its great..thanks ADMIN.
03-01-2010 13:24:39
Thanks for the search filter. Its useful ![hey smiley of hey]()

04-01-2010 02:05:26
Thanks for the search filter. Its useful ![hey smiley of hey]()

YEah , I think so...
06-01-2010 09:16:03
Great... It's easier to search for new anime episodes...
And the server status is really helpful to know whether the server is crowded or not..
Thanks Admin-san...
And the server status is really helpful to know whether the server is crowded or not..
Thanks Admin-san...
Anime = Life;