23-12-2009 06:09:52

Hey! Did you have the turkey ready? I did, and only one thing to say: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!

**Note**: All members should login and begin posting now! Cuz there are some hidden features for all registered members which I won't reveal here

Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!
23-12-2009 06:27:10
23-12-2009 06:29:07
23-12-2009 06:41:07
follow the hint
and another present you should have gained if you logged in and browse the page.

Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!
23-12-2009 07:19:30
Merry Christmas...everyone...Time to collect present and angpau for new year....^_^
23-12-2009 09:49:54
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Winter Festival (whichever suits you) ![keke smiley of keke]()

Anime Addict. ![keke smiley of keke]()

23-12-2009 10:26:47
me too...
what is the hidden features????
what is the hidden features????
23-12-2009 11:58:42
MerrY ChristMas Everyone !!![xmas smiley of xmas]()
Thanks dear Admin for your awesome site !!
admin present hidden feature ... U R Mine !!! hahahaha!!
![boss smiley of boss]()

Thanks dear Admin for your awesome site !!

admin present hidden feature ... U R Mine !!! hahahaha!!

23-12-2009 12:28:22
23-12-2009 12:30:24
Merry Christmas .............
24-12-2009 04:36:36
Ah! Is the special feature 'ads-free browsing'? I sort of realize that there are no ads when i browse... Kinda miss them...
Merry Xmas to everyone too~

Just Vert~
24-12-2009 05:01:10
Ah! Is the special feature 'ads-free browsing'? I sort of realize that there are no ads when i browse... Kinda miss them...
Merry Xmas to everyone too~
There is another hidden feature 

Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!
24-12-2009 09:43:48
24-12-2009 11:08:00
is the hidden feature you cannot download from free premium links......
I don't remember putting such a lame gift like that 
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!
24-12-2009 11:14:22
Then it must be the free point you get after using the free premium links option...
Don't know if its consecutive though...![Liar smiley of Liar]()

Don't know if its consecutive though...

24-12-2009 11:18:43
24-12-2009 13:44:59
merry christmas @all ![slept smiley of slept]()

24-12-2009 16:00:32
24-12-2009 16:25:59
24-12-2009 18:45:28
thank you admin-sama
special gift fo me? another 100 dl point![keke smiley of keke]()

special gift fo me? another 100 dl point

26-12-2009 04:01:14
how believe santa claus ? (>_<)
I'll believe that u're asking how long do u believe in santa claus ah...
I'll say that i never believed it in... Because my parents never really put presents for me on christmas..
And i'm back!

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