18-03-2019 06:57:52
Hi. I would like to request CDrama Well Intended Love.
25-03-2019 17:16:24
It should be up now.
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
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Register and login before downloading!
25-03-2019 20:30:21
Thanks. ![leisure smiley of leisure]()

26-03-2019 01:14:20
Ep12-20 have no subtitle. ![study smiley of study]()

03-04-2019 17:24:55
Ep12-20 have no subtitle. ![study smiley of study]()
Only first 10 episodes got subtitles. You can check regularly at https://subscene.com/subtitles/well-intended-love-boss-how-boss-wants-to-marry-me-nai-he-boss-yao-qu-wo-2019 to see if they update it more and remind me to add them into the folder.
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!