17-03-2016 18:19:28

Hello all of our members, I am happy to announce that our new server #5 is working great.

I am intending to move all of our remaining anime onto this server in the next 3 months. We (hopefully) will eliminate the missing files issue completely.

We have 4500 anime series to move. That's quite a lot and will take ~6 months to do so.
I will also reupload the missing anime in this course of actions too.

So, in the meantime, if you want your favourite anime/drama reupload sooner instead of waiting in course, please use the Report button in that serie's page

Please click on the report button, and choose the missing files/or simply choose to request reupload of that series

And click Request, then you're done.
Thank all of our member for supporting us so far. We hope to receive more and more of your support by donating or promoting our website to your friends. We're really appreciate that.

Once more thing: I have removed ads from our website. That means our site will be running on donation only. We hope to get more of your help and meet our donation goal each month. A big thanks to all of our members.

Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
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