25-05-2015 22:49:50
From this morning we have some connectivity issues on our main server, thus the website moved and ran on the backup server for several hours.
Now everything is back to normal. If you notice anything strange please notify me at once via PM or Chat.
Thank all of our members for your understanding and your support.
Now everything is back to normal. If you notice anything strange please notify me at once via PM or Chat.
Thank all of our members for your understanding and your support.
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!
16-08-2015 17:48:48
Admin, Black_Magic_M-66[h.264-AAC-R2][SSP-Corp][FC4A4A50].00001 cannt be downloaded. it said corrupted