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08-08-2013 04:18:06


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Joined: Dec 2012

suge maji des!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How much do you pay for your connection and how much bandwidth??????????
08-08-2013 22:07:26


Topics: 4

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Joined: May 2013

Like I said it's the universities so I don't pay directly. Although altogether I think my computer fees are about $100. I can't really tell what they've got running though
09-08-2013 11:34:09


Topics: 14

Replies: 92

Joined: Dec 2012

oh i see
still its too good with my connection i can get only 2MB/s avrg 900KB/s on wifismiley of ahaha
and on broadband avrg 100-350KB/s & avrg 200KB/ssmiley of die
and in good time 400-750KBps & avrg 600KB/ssmiley of keke
if you connection is that good why not use irc that will also lower the strain on chauthanh for latest releases i use devhost or irc to grab episodes i think you know how cool devhost issmiley of bigsmile
well as of my experiance idm download is better than irc download if you have steady connectionsmiley of I am so cool
29-10-2013 17:51:55



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Joined: Jan 2012

Oh well... I'll give it to chauthanh, that back in my hometown, I'm consistently getting more than 400KB/s. No, I think, more often than not.

Here in the City (which is awkward), I can barely get 100KB/s. Maybe because I'm surrounded by thick walls. I remember, long time ago, when I was assisting an elderly with her signal over the phone, I accidentally said, "so why not remove the walls". smiley of bigsmile
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-Flame en Halter
03-12-2013 13:54:11


Topics: 13

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Joined: Apr 2012

I got 900kbs!!!  At uni though so obviously it's about the best connection you can get but only for about 5 minutes :/ After that it dropped to the usual 150-300kbs range
me too i dl at uni LOL and yes it sometimes get to 900KBps and even better sometimes up to 1.1MBps and drops gradually to 100KBps but at diff sites i dl at 300KBSps constant. I dont know but for some reason my dl in chauthanh became slower nowadays.
If all the rain drops are lemon drops and gum drops, oh what a rain that would be.
04-12-2013 13:34:57



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Joined: Dec 2008

400KB/s for free download is true. And if you notice, the status on the site's sidebar are reflecting our site's true speed.
Got any problem? Contact me at admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

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