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19-10-2012 16:52:40



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As we updated many animes (around 2000 series) into server #3, we will split them into .part files for some trivial matters.
And what should we do if we download a series split into .part files? :argue:

First, you have to download all .part files. They're identical to each other, and files from the same episode have the same file name with a small number in order.

Click to view image at true resolution

Download and put them in the same folder.
For Windows user:
Next step, join them altogether. With a freeware called FileJoiner. You can download it here:
Extract and run.

Open the program, drag and drop the files into the listbox. You should check if the file is ordered correctly and then press join.

Click to view image at true resolution

You will get a .zip file. All you have to do now is to extract and enjoy it.

Click to view image at true resolution

For advanced user: If you don't want to use File Joiner, you can do it easily by opening command prompt, go to the folder, use this commandline to join files:
COPY /B <source file1>+<source file2> <destination file>
For example, in my case, I will do this:
- Select all the .part files.
- Press F2 and insert "(1)". By doing this we will get a short filelist.
Click to view image at true resolution
- Open command prompt, browse to the folder and input the command line
Click to view image at true resolution

For Linux and MacOSX users:
You can just use command line like this:
cat file1 file2 > file3

For MacOSX users:
You can try HJSplit for MAC but it will only work with new split files (.001, 002.. files). With .part file you will have to use the above method on terminal.

If you need any help, please contact me at once. :dance:

With this update, I believe that all anime folder is filled up now. So please check if you have your favorite anime on the download list yet

And once again, thank you for all of your help to our site. We will have many more years and anime to enjoy :wowow:
Got any problem? Contact me at admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
20-10-2012 10:16:36


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Thank you for all your hard work .. smiley of keke
22-10-2012 20:57:25



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I think the latter is faster. It can't get any simpler than that.

... If I will not be able to make direct dl link from torrent link, I'll have no choice but to use this.

Thanks! smiley of tea
Click to view image at true resolution
-Flame en Halter
28-10-2012 07:48:57


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Actually it can be done a lot easier. All you need is 7zip (its free):

-have all the files in the same folder
-right-click on any of the part files and in the context menu select '7-zip -> extract here'

and you're done. As simple as that.
smiley of tea
29-10-2012 22:14:50


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should have used hjsplit instead. much easier and better
01-11-2012 05:36:09


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How do I combine files on a mac?

And thanks in advance.
05-11-2012 06:35:22


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Actually it can be done a lot easier. All you need is 7zip (its free):

-have all the files in the same folder
-right-click on any of the part files and in the context menu select '7-zip -> extract here'

and you're done. As simple as that.
smiley of tea

7-zip won't work for these kind of files naming
it is much easier to use hjsplit to split file and join file
then using igorware

and hjsplit is supported in multiple OS, admin please use hjsplit
05-11-2012 11:30:25


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Thanks a lot, it really helps smiley of hixhix
05-11-2012 12:37:00


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This helps quite a bit, thanks!

smiley of gradu
12-11-2012 13:51:48



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7-zip won't work for these kind of files naming
it is much easier to use hjsplit to split file and join file
then using igorware

and hjsplit is supported in multiple OS, admin please use hjsplit
You can use any file joiner software that you want. They will do the same function. smiley of hey
Got any problem? Contact me at admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
05-12-2012 19:44:25


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an awesome blog

smiley of bigsmile
09-01-2013 06:06:54


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Thanks, because my winrar crashed trying to unrar a part file xD
You can`t withstand my beauty! smiley of newyear
24-01-2013 00:35:17


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i just open it on winrar. problem solved.
01-02-2013 18:15:19


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the instuctions are badly written. it dose not make sence
the links lead to VW cars and everthing else leads to no ware
I was not asking for this wrong information
its wrong it dose not work
I getting errors that all zip files that I downloaded. are bad
cannot be unzipped
the files are bad
or not compatable with all unzipper programs
02-02-2013 06:26:32


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the instuctions are badly written. it dose not make sence
the links lead to VW cars and everthing else leads to no ware
I was not asking for this wrong information
its wrong it dose not work
I getting errors that all zip files that I downloaded. are bad
cannot be unzipped
the files are bad
or not compatable with all unzipper programs
Just use the command prompt instructions then (unless you're on a Mac, though there's probably an equivalent for the terminal). You may also not be getting the whole file, check the filesize and see if it matches what you should be getting. I used to have a big problem with the download ending halfway through and only getting parts of files.
18-02-2013 05:45:01


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hjspilt does not have any version for mac? the site recommended "split and concat" but the part files were just converted to zip files... what should i do or is there any other better joiner program to recommend?

Thank you
18-02-2013 19:10:13



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hjspilt does not have any version for mac? the site recommended "split and concat" but the part files were just converted to zip files... what should i do or is there any other better joiner program to recommend?

Thank you
If they are merged into one zip file then you're done. Just extract it to get the anime file.
Got any problem? Contact me at admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
20-02-2013 06:58:37


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Just in case it helps anyone else I'll describe what I did to get them to work (I have a mac and so can't use 7z):

Programs: hjsplit, Keka*

1)change the last bit of the file, to .001 and the to .002 , this will allow hjsplit to pick it up and join the files.
Example:[subs]Anime - 01[ABCD1234] becomes [subs]Anime - 01[ABCD1234].001 &
[subs]Anime - 01[ABCD1234] becomes [subs]Anime - 01[ABCD1234].002.

2)once the two files have become one, add .zip to the end of the completed file.
Example: [subs]Anime - 01[ABCD1234] + .zip = [subs]Anime - 01[ABCD1234].zip

3)open with Keka*, success! :-D

*The reason I use Keka instead of Stuffit to expand the file is because Stuffit goes nuts when I try to open any file that wasn't originally a zip file. Like if I rename a file into a zip file Stuffit wont expand it.
hjspilt does not have any version for mac? the site recommended "split and concat" but the part files were just converted to zip files... what should i do or is there any other better joiner program to recommend?

Thank you

There is an hjsplit that runs through Java. I use this one:
24-02-2013 14:04:08



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Its not that hard to join and extract these files, but the fact of it being more hassle is undeniable.

Going back, it can't get any simpler than the instruction given by the admin. But I'll put some detailed explanation.

The easiest if you are on windows, is to run command prompt.

First, you have to download all .part files. They're identical to each other, and files from the same episode have the same file name with a small number in order.

Click to view image at true resolution

COPY /B <source file1>+<source file2> <destination file>

For example, in my case, I will do this:
- Select all the .part files.
- Press F2 and insert "(1)". By doing this we will get a short filelist.
Click to view image at true resolution
- Open command prompt, browse to the folder and input the command line
Click to view image at true resolution

you go to RUN - then type "cmd"

then type "C:" or "D:" or "E:" (this is the letter of the driver from where your .part files are located)

then you type "cd Downloads" (this is where you type the sub folders)
-so my link is E:/Downloads
-if yours got a lot of sub folders - you will need to type it again.
-let's say the link on your pc is E:/Anime/Downloads
THEN YOU TYPE "cd Anime", then "cd Downloads"
-and now you are in the right place to type

ex. you type E: then ENTER to go to that folder/drive. OK?

COPY /B <source file1>+<source file2> <destination file>

ex: copy /b (1).part + (2).part

PSS: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO RENAME IT INTO THE SHORTEST/SIMPLEST POSSIBLE NAME BECAUSE IT IS JUST A .PART FILE. you will combine the content anyways. and once extracted, it will have its own file name.

With that said, you can remove the LONG FILE NAME with its series of numbers like 000001 etc. (if this is an issue for hjsplit)

Tip: Just select all files and while selected, you rename the first file (1).part by right clicking it or pressing F2 and type (1), and the rest would follow and rename it to (2).part, (3).part and so on.

smiley of tea
Click to view image at true resolution
-Flame en Halter
06-05-2013 19:59:39


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mmm is hjsplit works with .part files from this site ?
27-06-2013 03:44:48


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hjslpit is easier and fast..

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