11-10-2012 15:10:49
The anime/manga latest list and listing have been now fixed and running up well. You can browse and download as usual now.
And some things to announce: eri4, eri5, eri6, eri7 is removed now. Eri8 and eri9 will be remove in the end of the month is this our site's ending? :argue:
Erm, surely not. As I have eri10 up an running, with the capacity of 100TB bandwidth per month
So we will eventually remove all other eri and keep only eri10 for free user's download. Just hope that with this upgrade, we can serve everyone better and we won't bump into anything like "Bandwidth outage" like last month in the near future ![ghost]()
And some things to announce: eri4, eri5, eri6, eri7 is removed now. Eri8 and eri9 will be remove in the end of the month is this our site's ending? :argue:
Erm, surely not. As I have eri10 up an running, with the capacity of 100TB bandwidth per month

Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!
11-10-2012 16:43:30
13-10-2012 22:57:32
18-10-2012 11:42:44
May b after that all files available in their seriese not like removed due to licence or file not available for this seriese server#.....
It will be like this now files not available for this series server10!......i guess!.......lolol
It will be like this now files not available for this series server10!......i guess!.......lolol