30-09-2012 03:06:30
This month we have reached over 60TB of bandwidth for free download servers... All eris which support free download will be in suspended state until next month (well, for 36 hours next)
only eri5 is working at its breath to keep you download at slow speed. So please be patient and wait, for 36 hours at most.
Should we increase the bandwidth to 70TB/month for next month?
p.s: Eri2 for premium users is fine because they haven't used up 20TB bandwidth alloted this month.

Should we increase the bandwidth to 70TB/month for next month?
p.s: Eri2 for premium users is fine because they haven't used up 20TB bandwidth alloted this month.
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
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Register and login before downloading!
30-09-2012 16:13:17
30-09-2012 21:01:01
Maybe, drop the average speed a bit at the end of a month, would suffice.
01-10-2012 17:33:09
Right now my average speed is only 10 - 40 kbps and i don't have any problem with my slow download speed even though i'm using free premium link as long as i finished all my downloads.
01-10-2012 23:04:04
01-10-2012 23:11:35
Right now my average speed is only 10 - 40 kbps and i don't have any problem with my slow download speed even though i'm using free premium link as long as i finished all my downloads.
If you're using free premium link and got only 10-40kb/s then I suggest re-checking your connection.Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!