29-06-2012 03:25:29
This month I have been so busy that I only have time to monitor the servers, but not having able to resolve all of you guys requests
Sorry for that.
2 hours ago we have received a DMCA notice so the server has been temporarily suspended for about 1 hour, but we're back after having those series "removed due to license"
About slow download speed these 3 last days of the month: eri7 and eri9 has been out of service until the next month for reaching their 10TB bandwidth limit, only eri3, eri8 and eri5 will be online for your service so you may experience some slowness in your download speed. But don't worry we're getting eri4 up and running in the next 12 hours to share the load.
Things have been harder to us anime lover these day, and I would like to ask for your support more and more, so as our site can continue to live on and serving anime for anybody who love them.
Thanks for your support all these time, I hope that you will stay and enjoy our site for another 10 or 20 years![gradu]()

2 hours ago we have received a DMCA notice so the server has been temporarily suspended for about 1 hour, but we're back after having those series "removed due to license"

About slow download speed these 3 last days of the month: eri7 and eri9 has been out of service until the next month for reaching their 10TB bandwidth limit, only eri3, eri8 and eri5 will be online for your service so you may experience some slowness in your download speed. But don't worry we're getting eri4 up and running in the next 12 hours to share the load.
Things have been harder to us anime lover these day, and I would like to ask for your support more and more, so as our site can continue to live on and serving anime for anybody who love them.

Thanks for your support all these time, I hope that you will stay and enjoy our site for another 10 or 20 years

Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!
01-07-2012 13:38:09
We appreciate every thing you do no matter the troubles Chauthan 4 LIFE
02-07-2012 07:51:07
What series were removed?
20-07-2012 13:10:57
Yeah i'm quite curious what series removed?
23-07-2012 11:52:38
Thanks for the hard work.
19-08-2012 11:48:32
I think even thou you have some troubles you've already earn your RESPECT for doing hard work just to maintain this site. The joy you give us can never be replaced by anything, so as long as this site is working, we are very greatful for doing your jobs well done, thank you CHAUTHANH.INFO for all the hard work.