07-05-2012 23:32:07
We will move to HostNOC in the next hour.
Until the move is completed, all forum's function will be temporarily stopped.
It may take 12-24 hours until the DNS is updated and we will have our site on the new server (depends on your DNS server).
All downloads will be functioning normally.
Please contact me if you need any help (contact information is in the signature, as usual)
If you can see this notice, we have moved successfully and your DNS server has updated our IP.
If you found any problems, contact me at once.
Until the move is completed, all forum's function will be temporarily stopped.
It may take 12-24 hours until the DNS is updated and we will have our site on the new server (depends on your DNS server).

All downloads will be functioning normally.
Please contact me if you need any help (contact information is in the signature, as usual)

If you can see this notice, we have moved successfully and your DNS server has updated our IP.
If you found any problems, contact me at once.
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!
09-05-2012 03:13:13
Dear SIR,
Currently I'm facing some problems with the anime downloads during the migration period of your DNS server. BUT according to you, All downloads will be functioning normally.
How come I cannot download even a single anime from your server.
Of course firstly I will check my IP banned list & to make sure that everything is CLEAR before proceeding with my anime download. It seems like my IP is not in the banned list. BUT still I cannot download. The message from the server stated that
The server replies that you don't have permissions to download this file. Details:HTTP/1.1403 Forbidden.
Currently I'm facing some problems with the anime downloads during the migration period of your DNS server. BUT according to you, All downloads will be functioning normally.
How come I cannot download even a single anime from your server.
Of course firstly I will check my IP banned list & to make sure that everything is CLEAR before proceeding with my anime download. It seems like my IP is not in the banned list. BUT still I cannot download. The message from the server stated that

09-05-2012 03:31:46
You are banned because of downloading from 3 servers at the same time. You will need to unban on Eri servers.
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!