24-04-2012 06:13:49



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We have 2 out of 5 eri servers marked as abusive and limited bandwidth to 1mb/s. (

2 out of the remaining 3 got unstable connection. Just like they're up and down for 10 minutes circle. :argue:

Only 1 running well so far but hitting its 10TB bandwidth limit.

Up until this time of the month, all eri servers have used up 45.7TB of bandwidth :blush: that's a lot of traffic to handle but I am not expecting things to happen all at once like this.

I am working to resolve things now... Just hope that it will be over soon

But don't worry, we will survive this time cuz we have survived many times before.

I will update with details later. Just for 2-3 days next we may experience some slow down in download speed but hopefully it will be back to normal soon.

p.s: our site will last as long as we have supportive members so please don't give up and stay with us thank you for all of your contribution to our site.

Edit: We now have our brand new Eri server up and running in testing. Seem to be the most stable connection we have so far. If you have any problems, contact me at once. Other eris will be offline gradually from now on until May 1st.

And yes, we're back to our feet
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
25-04-2012 01:29:47


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Joined: Jan 2012

How many of you are there, you're not doing this alone are you?
Anyway, I am not sure were I post requests for help. I have emailed ChauThanh, used the Chat room etc. regarding my inability to download anything. All I see are html files using IDM and FlashGet, no avi.
Could be caused by the problem you have been having with the servers? I would like to hear from you. It's been two days since I was able to use the site.smiley of nowanna

25-04-2012 03:31:19



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Joined: Dec 2008

I do this alone. You can contact me via Skype, Yahoo Messenger or email, it'll be quicker.
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
25-04-2012 13:08:57


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(something happens)

a 'free' user,
29-04-2012 05:43:13


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OK I hope the problem gets resolved. Good luck...
30-04-2012 10:39:03


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OK I hope the problem gets resolved. Good luck...

Yep, me too.

I think there should be alternative download provided
rather than to have to download from Eri server.

a 'free' user,
07-05-2012 20:21:12



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All problems can be solved by money ;P
Click to view image at true resolution
10-07-2012 00:20:48


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All problems can be solved by money ;P

If it can be resolved by money then it's not a problem.:comehere:
12-07-2012 00:10:14



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If it can be resolved by money then it's not a problem.:comehere:
The the problem is that we don't have much money smiley of men
j/k smiley of leisure
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
13-08-2012 00:11:00


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hi admin ..
If you wish to exchange banners are aware
I'll be happy working with your site.
My site is 100 thousand daily visitors.
Site address: www.patogh-u.com
Answer me to send you e-mail.
14-08-2012 17:15:12



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Goodluck.smiley of charm

Click to view image at true resolution
-Flame en Halter
19-08-2012 11:32:24


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I hope everythings fine now, good luck to this wonderful site.