19-10-2011 04:09:40
21-10-2011 02:48:28
22-10-2011 13:42:37
24-10-2011 03:37:44
I'm 16
actually anime are suitable for grown up, Watch Yosuga no sora for example ~ :ohhoho:
actually anime are suitable for grown up, Watch Yosuga no sora for example ~ :ohhoho:
Well, hello there! I never thought that I will find another person who actually sixteen other than me on this site.
Nice to know you Lethal!
There are some people in my neighborhood around your age, cybele, who are otaku. Well, he already graduate - actually - and having a decent job.
As for myself, I respect him for him to be sincere towards himself for what he likes or what others think about him.
In my opinion, these kind of hobby is not a bad thing but it depends on how you create this thought into yourselves. There are many anime that give us lot of reminders and knowledge. Someone who are otaku and posses the right skills can become more mature than any ones else in the world.
02-11-2011 16:58:52
22 never to old for cartoons long as you enjoy thats all that matters and if ppl around you think it's kids stuff show them Hellsing or death note that will change there perception.XD
03-12-2011 23:44:06
I''m actually 19.....
and I love everything about anime.....![ahaha smiley of ahaha]()
and I love everything about anime.....

04-12-2011 15:10:12
Well I gotta say that anime has no age limit
I'm 20 and I've been watching anime back when I was like 9 (y)
I'm 20 and I've been watching anime back when I was like 9 (y)
09-12-2011 18:03:04
i'm 27 next monday..!
and i still read manga at my office..
i will keep myself updated with the new series of detective conan, one piece, naruto and fairy tail every week.
ppl laughed at me when i was caught reading it at my place..
but i don't care as long as i'm happy..
actually, anime or manga can bond us with teenagers.
we will have things to talk about..
and it sure made us sound young at heart..!
and i still read manga at my office..
i will keep myself updated with the new series of detective conan, one piece, naruto and fairy tail every week.
ppl laughed at me when i was caught reading it at my place..
but i don't care as long as i'm happy..
actually, anime or manga can bond us with teenagers.
we will have things to talk about..
and it sure made us sound young at heart..!
23-12-2011 02:45:54
Ha, I'm only 12. I thought there might be more people my age using this site though...
05-11-2012 01:43:56
I start watching anime when i was in elementary school, and until now.. i still love it
I'm 18 years old this year.. My friend told me they don't get it. Why i love it so much..
All i can say is that you have to find one anime that makes you realize the eternity of imagination![I am so cool smiley of I am so cool]()

I'm 18 years old this year.. My friend told me they don't get it. Why i love it so much..

All i can say is that you have to find one anime that makes you realize the eternity of imagination

17-11-2012 21:15:29
I start watching anime when i was in elementary school, and until now.. i still love it
I'm 18 years old this year.. My friend told me they don't get it. Why i love it so much..
All i can say is that you have to find one anime that makes you realize the eternity of imagination![I am so cool smiley of I am so cool]()

I'm 18 years old this year.. My friend told me they don't get it. Why i love it so much..

All i can say is that you have to find one anime that makes you realize the eternity of imagination

my friend say it's weird that I like anime a lot,

but it's really not that bad,
it can gives me a break from all the stress from school :dance:
18-11-2012 02:52:42
i am 18 too,
my family say that I'm childish because still watching anime at my age:blush:
they wrong because anime not childish,
anime teach us about life,frienship,love,courage and lot of thing,
and i will love anime forever and ever
![bye smiley of bye]()
my family say that I'm childish because still watching anime at my age:blush:
they wrong because anime not childish,
anime teach us about life,frienship,love,courage and lot of thing,
and i will love anime forever and ever

18-11-2012 17:40:30

my friend say it's weird that I like anime a lot,

but it's really not that bad,
it can gives me a break from all the stress from school :dance:
Totally agree!!

Sometimes i was like :argue:
because certain people just badmouthing anime

i guess they just don't know about respect people's interest


as long as there's people i can talk about anime, it doesn't matter

18-11-2012 19:35:04
Now, I am 23 years old and I still watch anime and read manga even the amount is quite decreased this recent years due to busy Medical school life and currently due to final exam. But still, to remove habit from childhood is difficult and I love anime and manga too much.
19-11-2012 12:57:51
20-11-2012 00:33:14
I'm 22 years old but still young at heart!
![ahaha smiley of ahaha]()

22-11-2012 01:46:38
20 years old girl, still love anime, of course.
and also love tokusatsu
Many people feel weird but I still love them
yay~~ ![leisure smiley of leisure]()

25-11-2012 16:29:17
20 years old girl, still love anime, of course.
and also love tokusatsu
Many people feel weird but I still love them
yay~~ ![leisure smiley of leisure]()


I don't know there're so many anime lovers

25-11-2012 17:36:43
24 and I feel old with so many people here O_O
25-11-2012 22:32:42
i am 23 and i love anime! Grew up watching digimon, pokemon, cardcaptor sakura, let's & go, and many many old school anime! How can i not love something that has become part of my life?
27-11-2012 21:42:35
well... age doesn't mean anything