07-10-2011 17:06:58



Topics: 137

Replies: 7422

Joined: Dec 2008

We are now online with Eri servers marked number 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9 with 1Gbps connection each for free users.
Donors are online with eri2, donor1, donor2 with 1Gbps connection each. Will that sufficient?

Hopefully, we will hit the wall 30TB bandwidth this month (last month hit 27TB bandwidth overall :blush
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
30-04-2012 11:08:15


Topics: 0

Replies: 33

Joined: Apr 2012

Is there's any consideration to upload all these 'anime' to
filehosting such as Mediafire or Jumbiles (etc.)...?

It seem that current 'situation' is still not enough.

a 'free' user,
01-05-2012 14:07:08

Ash Starrk

Topics: 2

Replies: 48

Joined: Jan 2012

You can download latest anime using file hosing at animetosho or animetake..

they will post link such as MF and other working file hosting.
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