03-10-2011 10:44:20



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We're experiencing some bandwidth issue, as our 4x 1Gbps connection port has been limited to 10mbps each
I am investigating and in contacting with Data Center to sort things out, and we may move if needed. Don't worry, we're free download site always. :blush: 2x 1Gbps connection has been raised to temporarily share the load.

Please reply this topic and notice me about your download speed/stability. Is it fast or not (average at how many kb/s?)? Disconnection happened more/less?

All of your helps is appreciated. Please stick with us until things are normal again.
Sorry for any inconvenieces caused
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
04-10-2011 15:58:27


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i don't feel any thing different. but sometime it does stop or disconnect. average speed of downloading is 250kps
08-10-2011 05:22:29


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=.= i feel it since my last dl speed is around 1mbps now is 130kbps
08-10-2011 06:20:19



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=.= i feel it since my last dl speed is around 1mbps now is 130kbps
How is it now?
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
09-10-2011 21:36:04


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How is it now?

i think ok already if not is really worse
20-10-2011 23:04:13


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It is still has a lot of variation(jumps between 30kb/s and 1mb/s) a lot but this could be because I'm accessing internet throw some server at my university and i can't see to what else the server is connecting. Anyway it's better than in the past since the connection isn't breaking up anymore.
02-11-2011 17:26:55


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i havent been affected until the last week. My downloads (i use a download manager) will all stop. Current and all pending will eventually stop, leaving them incomplete, making it hard to finish a download without having to reconnect them several times until they eventually finish bit by bit.

Oh! and Detective conan is still missing ;__; (the sole reason i love this site <3 )
02-11-2011 17:31:27



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Joined: Dec 2008

Detective conan is online right now (just checked it).
And which download manager are you using? The issue should be fixed week ago.
Click to view image at true resolution

It's up and alive. Are you sure that's not your connection problem?
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info

Register and login before downloading!
03-11-2011 14:15:23


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yes its back up for me as well. Earlier it said the series wasn't available and to try logging in again to try again. But it fixed itself apparently so no worries :]

Although i still have the same problem with my downloads stopping before they finish. Connection is fine, only downloads from this site are affected, strangely. Ill try installing a different file manager later to test if it works with another.
24-01-2012 12:19:50


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i don't have problem with the speed..it can top to 1mb/s
27-04-2012 22:36:07


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My average DL speed is 10kB/s.
If using Eri1(i think) server.
But at 'server status' column says that
the average DL speed is between 80kB/s > 110kB/s.

If using Eri2. the speed is quite promising.
At more than 100kB/s... for me.
Even though the average speed should be more than 500kB/s,
And of course, you need to obtain point(s) to use Eri2 server.

a 'free' user,
