01-04-2011 15:30:00
Hello, KhuongComputer.
We have got a hold of your email as well as your PP account password, thus we granted access of this site.
We demand you send us $5000 if you want this site database.
All information has been put in your email for WU transfer.
Have a nice day.
p.s: You have 24 hours until we drop the whole server.
Happy April's fool day
We have got a hold of your email as well as your PP account password, thus we granted access of this site.
We demand you send us $5000 if you want this site database.
All information has been put in your email for WU transfer.
Have a nice day.
p.s: You have 24 hours until we drop the whole server.
Happy April's fool day
Got any problem? Contact me at once.email: admin[at]chauthanh[dot]info
Register and login before downloading!
Register and login before downloading!
01-04-2011 17:23:57
What's the meaning of this???
01-04-2011 17:29:41
01-04-2011 21:29:47
02-04-2011 13:35:12
haha while reading it.. I was like " what the hell".."what will happen in this site" then I read happy fools day...LOL nice one
02-04-2011 18:13:13
06-04-2011 06:07:08
u trick me...
u trick me...
22-05-2011 12:27:21
i'm tricked . Nooooo!! :noo:
22-05-2011 22:02:44
23-05-2011 04:28:24
23-05-2011 05:56:32
24-05-2011 00:00:38
Yeh, it tricked me when i first saw it
17-07-2011 08:04:47
I didn't understand this at all when it was posted... took me a day to figure out why it was posted...