The "summer supernatural teen comedy" revolves around an ordinary high school boy named Takashi who ends up living with a space alien′s spirit (uchūjin no yūrei) after a strange incident. He names the creature "Uchurei" and plans to keep it as a pet, but becomes possessed by it.
(Source: ANN)
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Also known as: ウチュレイ!, Space Ghost!
Genres: ComedySci-FiSlice of Life
Files | Server | Size |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 01 [FCEAE180].mkv | 1 | 12.5MB |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 02 [E56D4B23].mkv | 1 | 36.9MB |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 03 [E783DCCE].mkv | 1 | 33MB |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 04 [380E9E64].mkv | 1 | 37.4MB |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 05 [63959794].mkv | 1 | 40MB |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 06 [783DD3CD].mkv | 1 | 38.8MB |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 07 [F7893B21].mkv | 1 | 42.5MB |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 08 [DF400B69].mkv | 1 | 35.3MB |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 09 [591B4543].mkv | 1 | 28.1MB |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 10v2 [4A8B079C].mkv | 1 | 45.2MB |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 11 [F3947857].mkv | 1 | 40.4MB |
[GotWoot] Uchurei - 12 [F88AC592][end].mkv | 1 | 45.5MB |
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The "summer supernatural teen comedy" revolves around an ordinary high school boy named Takashi who ends up living with a space alien′s spirit (uchūjin no yūrei) after a strange incident. He names the creature "Uchurei" and...